Crews – 2/month

Crews are smaller groups that get together 2/month at homes in our community to build authentic relationships with one another that help us grow in our relationship with God and our neighbors. We hang out, eat, share, pray, discuss scripture, and serve our community together. Learn more about Crews and connect HERE.
Weekly Meetup Sundays @ 10am

Join us each Sunday morning at 10am at Trungos in downtown Leesburg as we worship God and learn more about Him together. We spend time connecting with one another during our coffee break and also get around tables for “table talk” to discuss how the message applies to our lives. Trungos is located at 2C […]
Thursdays @ 6pm-8pm

A meetup for middle and high school students where we worship God and open up His Word to talk about how it applies to our everyday lives. We also eat food, play games, and have fun connecting with and making new friends.