The Holy Spirit inspired human authors to write the books of the Bible. The Bible is the complete and inspired Word of God. It is without error and we do our best and continue to ask the Holy Spirit to help us interpret it accurately. The Bible is God revealing Himself, His principles and purpose to us. The Bible also communicates how we fit into His story, His desire to relate intimately with us, and His purpose for our lives.
God exists as three eternal and equal persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Jesus (the Son) was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He became flesh to reveal God to us and to become the Savior of the world. After he died, he rose three days later, as he said he would, and showed his power over sin and death. After his resurrection, he spent more than a month with his followers sharing their integral part in His purposes before ascending to be with his Father where he intercedes and advocates for his people. He later sent the Spirit to live inside every believer of Jesus and to baptize them into his family, to guide and remind them of truth, to empower them to follow and obey Jesus, and to gift them to help accomplish his purposes until he returns to establish his Kingdom over all.
Human beings are created in the image of God to have relationship with Him, but our sin separates us from Him. We are completely incapable of coming back into a right relationship with God on our own effort. The only way to restore our relationship with God is by being sorry for our sin and believing in Jesus. When we believe that he freely died on the cross as payment for our sin and rose three days later, we are forgiven, reconciled to God and begin a growing relationship with Him for eternity.
As believers in Jesus we should live for him and others, and not for ourselves. As we focus and spend consistent time getting to know Jesus more intimately; and as we obey God and let the Spirit lead and live through us; every follower of Jesus will mature, become more like him, more obedient to his instruction, and more effective on his mission.
The Church is the living body of Christ of which Jesus is the head. It is made up of those who believe Jesus and are seeking to follow him. This family and assembly of people functions metaphorically like the human body; a group of diverse and essential parts in relationship with each other, and growing and
working together to make progress and accomplish it’s purpose. The purpose of the Church is to glorify God by following him, getting to know him, loving him, loving others, and introducing him to a lost world that needs him.